Because African clawed frogs are so frequently mislabeled as African dwarf frogs, it's important to make sure that you're buying the correct specie of frog. I had some Clawed Frogs 30 years ago and really enjoyed the experience. ... From what I can tell you get a clawed frog tadpole, something to feed it, and maybe even a small container to raise it in. The differences aren't just in the claws. To care for African Clawed or Dwarf Frogs, start by choosing a roomy, filtered tank for the frog's habitat. To answer your second question, I believe a south american cichlid is not quite as aggressive as an african cichlid but really these animals should not be kept together. Keep in mind that Clawed Frogs need more space than Dwarf Frogs, which are much smaller. How to Identify the Male and Female African Frogs By Eleanor McKenzie. African Dwarf vs Clawed Frogs. The easiest way for beginners to tell the difference is to look at the front feet, which we usually call the frog's hands. Steve Baccon/Digital Vision/Getty Images. Clawed frogs have flat snouts while dwarf frogs have pointed snouts. The african would make a quick meal out of the tiny dwarfs. Because this species is aquatic, an aquarium is the best option for caging them. Unfortunately a Bichir is a predatory fish and it may be able to co-exist with an african clawed frog as a juvenile but I would not trust this fish with a clawed frog much longer. And African clawed frogs have webbed back feet and digits on their front feet (similar to hands), while dwarf … The clawed frog has eyes on the top of its head, while the dwarf frog's eyes are on the side of its head. To set up a tank for an African Dwarf Frog, you’ll need to start by finding the proper-sized aquarium. Steve Baccon/Digital Vision/Getty Images. African Dwarf vs Clawed Frogs. Two African frog species are favored as pets: the African dwarf frog and the African clawed frog. Clawed frogs have flat snouts while dwarf frogs have pointed snouts. African Clawed Frog (Xenopus Laevis) These frogs have kind-of claw-like front "hands". You can tell these two apart because the clawed frog is substantially larger. Dwarf clawed frogs like to be together.I am hoping to get a couple more soon! Knowing these differences can be a live or death matter when stocking your aquarium. African Clawed Frog Tank Setup. author: Martin Truckenbrodt Distinguishing African Dwarf Clawed Frogs from African Clawed Frogs. African Dwarf and Clawed Frog Differences There are quite a few differences between the two. The African clawed frog has eyes on the top of its head, while the dwarf frog's eyes are on the side of its head. I have mine in my community fish tank and they are doing fine.The fish totally ignore the frogs. I have 2 dwarf clawed frogs right now and 1 african clawed frog.They are not in the same tanks! Compare the buggy eyes seen in this great photo that appeared in's news story "Love Duet in the Pond" (Feb 16, 1998) about love calls of African Clawed frogs (seen on the right). Dwarf African Clawed frogs have their eyes on the SIDE of their head. You can tell these two apart because the clawed frog is substantially larger. Miniature frogs grow much smaller than clawed version with the largest growing a little over two inches. ... From what I can tell you get a clawed frog tadpole, something to feed it, and maybe even a small container to raise it in. I suggest fitting your aquarium with a screen lid as well. You can go as big as you like but a 10-gallon tank is considered the minimum for one African clawed frog. When you feed them, keep an eye on the tank to make sure the food is small enough for them to consume and circulating properly. Its name is derived from the three short claws on each hind foot, which it uses to tear apart its food. The size of the tank should be adjusted depending on the number of frogs. The African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis, also known as the xenopus, African clawed toad, African claw-toed frog or the platanna) is a species of African aquatic frog of the family Pipidae. The pet trade often confuses African Dwarf Clawed Frogs with African Clawed Frogs. They also tend to have buggier looking eyes than the dwarf frogs.

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